How Do You Provide Remote Power To One Of Australia's Harshest Locations?

Optimal are working with Santos, one of Australia’s leading oil and gas producers, to supply remote power to their coal seam methane wells in Queensland. In remote areas of Australia, it is integral for Santos to achieve an energy solution of high efficiency and low maintenance. 

As part of an infield trial, Optimal have installed a Capstone C30 Microturbine to meet these very needs for the benefit of their well operations. We are confident in the Capstone C30 Microturbine which has successfully been used to power remote coal seam methane wells in several other case studies. One example of its suitability is our work with Origin. Optimal have deployed over 200, C30 microturbines to Origin, providing their remote well operations with world-class reliable power. 

If this promising trial proves successful, Optimal hope that Santos will consider installing Capstone technology for their future wellhead power requirements. Following the success of the C30, Optimal launched a C30 microturbine hybrid. The system includes a microturbine, battery, solar and microgrid that is proving to deliver significant advantages through our work with LPG providers. For example, in the event of low solar activity or higher than expected power, the coupling of solar energy and batteries allows a majority of energy to come from the solar panels with the microturbine acting as a clean and reliable back up. 

The reliability of the Capstone C30 Microturbine and flexibility of the C30 hybrid, mean that the technology is suitable for a huge range of applications in industry and business. The system achieves ultra-low emissions and low-cost electricity from natural gas, liquid fuels, oil and gas, or solar. 

If you think your business could benefit from reliable and low-cost remote power, get in touch with the Optimal team for an obligation-free assessment by calling 1300 678 476 or visiting Craig Dugan, CEO Optimal Group