As a business operating in Australia, Optimal Group Australia is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles outlined in Schedule 1 to the Privacy Act. This Privacy Policy outlines how Optimal Group Australia collects, uses, discloses, and manages personal information.

1. Collection of Personal Information

1.1. Types of Information Collected: Optimal Group Australia may collect personal information relevant to the provision of our energy solutions and services. This may include but is not limited to, contact details, business-related information, and other information necessary for the fulfillment of our business purposes.

1.2. Collection Methods: We may collect personal information through various means, including direct interactions with our representatives, through our website, during business engagements, and from publicly available sources.

2. Use of Personal Information

2.1. Primary Purpose: Optimal Group Australia uses personal information for the primary purpose of providing energy solutions and related services to our business clients.

2.2. Secondary Purposes: Personal information may also be used for purposes reasonably related to our business operations, including communication, marketing, research, and development.

3. Disclosure of Personal Information

3.1. Third Parties: Optimal Group Australia may disclose personal information to third parties, including contractors, service providers, and business partners, for the purposes outlined in section 2. However, we do not disclose personal information to the general public.

4. Security of Personal Information

4.1. Security Measures: Optimal Group Australia takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal information and protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

5. Access and Correction of Personal Information

5.1. Access Request: Upon request, individuals may access the personal information held by Optimal Group Australia, subject to applicable legal requirements.

5.2. Correction Request: If an individual believes that their personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, or not up-to-date, they may request corrections, and Optimal Group Australia will take reasonable steps to update the information.

6. Complaints and Contact

6.1. Complaints: If you have a privacy-related complaint, please contact our Privacy Officer using the details provided below.

6.2. Contact Information:

    Chief Operations Officer: Jerry Zhou


    Phone: +61 3 9545 1077

    Address: 9-10 Bastow Place, Mulgrave, Victoria 3170, Australia

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy

7.1. Updates: This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. The most recent version will be available on our website.

By engaging with Optimal Group Australia, you acknowledge and consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.