Our extensive network of factory-certified Authorised Service Personnel (ASPs) offers nationwide coverage, dedicated to meeting your ongoing needs. By recognising and fulfilling our customers' need for a dependable, long-term support partner, we empower them to focus on their core business operations.
At Optimal Group, we offer comprehensive service, maintenance, and support to ensure our customers derive lasting benefits from our products and solutions.
24/7 Online Monitoring
Optimal has developed the MyCapstoneFleet platform for advanced remote monitoring, diagnostics, and predictive maintenance. MyCapstoneFleet offers comprehensive access to performance and operational trend data, service notifications and alarms, and the convenient booking of scheduled maintenance visits with Optimal's dedicated technicians.
Our ASP network spans both capital cities and regional centres, ensuring efficient support without unnecessary disruption. Our Melbourne headquarters is equipped with an ASP training centre, warehousing facilities, and a turbine overhaul centre. We maintain an extensive spare parts inventory at multiple depots spanning Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific region, enabling swift response times.
Exclusively available within the Capstone Turbine product line, Optimal offers the highly comprehensive Factory Protection Plan (FPP), backed by Capstone. The Factory Protection Plan, available in durations up to 10 years, encompasses fixed-price maintenance and an extended warranty plan, inclusive of all parts and labour expenses, even for unforeseen breakdowns.